Internet Sexual Exploitation of a Child is a serious sex based crime in Arapahoe, Denver, Douglas, or Weld County. C.R.S. 18-6-405.4 states it is a class 4 felony for a person to knowingly importune, invite, or entice a person under 15 years of age AND at least four years younger than the actor, to engage in certain sexual activity over a computer, telephone network, data network, or by text message(s).
Government Sting Operations Occur at the Federal and County Level
Sting operations are becoming more common as the Department of Homeland Security along with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) are playing a role to trap would be assailants. Recently, a Greeley, Colorado man was caught in what has been termed “Operation Predator.” With recent publicity surrounding the government’s use of internet information to spy on US citizens, I predict these operations will become more common. We have seen them for years at the County level as local government tries to make use of grant money. Remember, anytime you use electronic media, a permanent record is being kept – somewhere.
I am not in favor of harming children for any reason or committing Child Abuse. But I am also concerned over our government using fear of such things to extend their reach where it should not go. The problem isn’t just bad cops setting up bad people – it is also with well meaning people trying to protect children, and believing that the end always justifies the means. Unfortunately, when we give this kind of authority to people (local governments like Adams, Jefferson, and Larimer County), checks and balances that keep innocent people from being hauled off to prison, are eroded.
You Have Defenses, so Don’t Talk to Police – Call us Instead
If you are charged with Internet Sexual Exploitation of a Child, it is very important to seek legal counsel right away. It is important to talk with someone that will process your side of the story for your benefit – not for your harm. Many times there are legitimate reasons why people may not know of illegal images or conversations recorded on his or her computer or cell phone. But if one is found, deleted or not, you may be charged with Internet Sexual Exploitation of a Child.
The temptation of the accused is to try to defend himself by talking to police. I have never known this to be helpful. If you have been charged with Internet Sexual Exploitation of a Child, or if you think you are under investigation, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent, and call us at 303-731-0719. Together we can protect your future.