An Aurora, Colorado probation case worker has been accused of Sex Assault (C.R.S. 18-3-402) and arrested in connection with those allegations, along with allegations that he committed False Imprisonment (C.R.S. 18-3-303). The alleged perpetrator works for one of the companies the Arapahoe County government contracts with in order to monitor people who have been sentenced to probation. It is unclear at this time whether the Sexual Assault complaining victims were under his probationary supervision, but the Aurora police said that they are expecting more victims to come forward.
While a probationary sentence in Denver, Douglas, and Adams County courts can seem like a good plea bargain, many times probation officers and case workers misuse their power and wield it over those they supervise. Probation officers can impose draconian measure upon people in Sexual Assault cases, and can choose to initiate Probation Revocation proceedings if every detail of those measures is not complied with. A Probation Revocation proceeding is a proceeding in which probation alleges that a person has violated the terms of their probation. At your first appearance on a probation revocation, you can choose to admit or deny the allegations. If the allegations are admitted, the judge will hear statements from all parties to determine whether to reinstate probation or to impose any sentence they could have originally imposed. If the allegations are denied, the court will set a hearing in which it must be proven by a preponderance of the evidence that probation has been violated.
While there are fair probation officers, many are not. If you have encountered one who is being unfair and trying to revoke your probation, the attorneys at the O’Malley Law Office can help. We have over twenty years of experience handling Probation Revocation cases in Weld, Boulder, and Jefferson County. If you have received a complaint alleging that you violated the terms of your probation, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent and call us today at 303-731-0719. Together, we can protect your future.