Sealing Your Record in Jefferson County
Colorado Criminal Records we seal in Denver can come in several different formats, each which needs to be sealed under C.R.S. 24-72-308 by a criminal defense lawyer / attorney, if you want privacy. If you were investigated by the police, they make a criminal record in their system. Once the investigation is over and they charge you with a crime or decide not to charge you, police reports exist. If you are charged, the Colorado Court system has a record of your charges – whether dismissed or not. Finally, if you are arrested in Denver, Douglas, Jefferson, Adams or Arapahoe County, the Colorado Bureau of Investigation has a record of the arrest.
Denver Police Reports – Why They Should Be Sealed
Police reports can hurt you. These reports give law enforcement and any member of the public who requests them, a permanent record of the allegations against you. People who read them in the future will not be able to hear the whole story, but just the one made by the person accusing you. Many times police take a report and don’t make a detailed notation about the accused’s position. Since we don’t let our clients talk to the police, sometimes one side of the story is to be expected. It is important to have these police reports and criminal records sealed under Colorado law, C.R.S. 24-72-308.
Criminal Defense Lawyer – Court Record Sealing
When you are charged with a crime by summons or arrest, the Colorado court system has a computer record which anyone in the world can find by searching a public web site. For about $10.00, they will know all about your case. If you apply for a job, many background companies will search court records. It is essential that you seal your court record if possible. This is often based on whether you had a criminal law specialist, who specializes in criminal cases. Our law firm only practices criminal cases and those closely related to them, like a Dependency and Neglect case.
Denver Defense Attorney – Colorado Background Checks
Finally, an arrest means that the Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI), has a record of your charges, your photograph, and your fingerprints. In felonies, they have a record of your DNA. If permitted under the law, you need to have your arrest record sealed. Anyone can get a copy of your arrest record from a publicly accessible web site. This will be a job killer if your prospective employer does an on-line search or hires a background company to do the search. An arrest record is permanent unless your lawyer set up the case to conform with the sealing statute. While this is not always possible and requires the agreement of the District Attorney in pleas of guilty, it is very important to do if possible.
Our criminal defense lawyers know how to seal records which are sealable, so call us for a free initial conference on record sealing. If you are ever contacted by police, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent, and call us at 303-731-0719. Together, we can protect your future.