Photo Of Kyle B. Sawyer
Photo Of Kyle B. Sawyer

Charged With A Crime? It Doesn’t Mean You’re Guilty.

Why a Happy Hour stop could lead to a DUI charge

On Behalf of | Jul 1, 2024 | DUI / DWAI |

Plenty of responsible, upstanding adults in Colorado occasionally stop off for a happy hour drink. They might enjoy a cocktail or cold beer after a stressful day on the job. Some establishments have specials that are nearly impossible to resist.

Happy hour can be a great way to socialize with coworkers or unwind before heading home for the night. The drivers who stop off for a drink may just want to relax or socialize. They may not consider that their choice might put them at risk of a driving under the influence (DUI) charge.

Why can a happy hour visit increase someone’s risk of a drunk driving arrest?

The potential for more police on the road

The average person probably doesn’t think of their afternoon commute as particularly dangerous. However, it is statistically a dangerous time to drive. According to the National Safety Council, weeknights between 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. are the second most dangerous time to be on the road. The only time that is more dangerous is after dark.

The statistically elevated risk of a crash might mean that local police departments have more of a presence on the road during those high-risk hours. Officers patrolling at high-risk times may be more inclined to stop those who seem to display questionable skill at the wheel.

The uncertainty of happy hour service

Another risk factor is how unpredictable a cheap drink served as a happy hour special could be. Some bartenders might offer particularly strong mixed drinks or generous pours of beer and wine in the hopes of securing more generous tips. People may ingest more alcohol than they estimate, which might mean their blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is higher than they expect.

Other times, it could be the behavior of the driver before stopping that increases their risk of a DUI. They may not have eaten their lunch, which could increase how much the drink they consume affects them. On the other hand, they might drink their beverage quite rapidly, which can also influence how their body handles the alcohol.

Someone who has been arrested on a DUI charge after a happy hour stop could be at risk of a conviction that puts their future opportunities at risk. Reviewing the evidence supporting the state’s case with a skilled legal team can help people explore potential DUI defense strategies. Ultimately, there are many ways for motorists to fight back against DUI charges that could lead to jail and license suspension.