Photo Of Kyle B. Sawyer
Photo Of Kyle B. Sawyer

Charged With A Crime? It Doesn’t Mean You’re Guilty.

2nd Degree Arson Charges in Jefferson County | Criminal Lawyer

On Behalf of | Jun 26, 2020 | Arson |

2nd degree arson charges in Jefferson County, Colorado often involve some type of property damage from a fire or explosion. This offense is slightly less serious than 1st degree arson in that it doesn’t involve a building or occupied structure. Still, especially impactful penalties exist for conviction. This last weekend, a Colorado man was arrested on suspicion of second-degree arson after allegedly setting fire to a statue during a protest. Allegations of this magnitude require strategic, experienced representation from a Colorado arson lawyer. See below for more details regarding arson in the second degree.

Colorado Second-Degree Arson Law

Colorado’s second-degree arson law prohibits fires and explosions that damage another’s property. CRS 18-4-103 describes the specific violations in Jefferson County. You commit 2nd degree arson in Lakewood, Arvada, or Golden if you:

  • knowingly damage someone else’s property (not a building or occupied structure),
  • via fire or explosion,
  • without their consent

Celebrations or protests that go too far can sometimes lead to arson charges if someone decides to set something on fire or cause an explosion. It is important to note that the fire must cause damage beyond discoloration or specific marks. The property itself must change in some way or ignite in flames for criminal charges to apply.

Is Second-Degree Arson a Misdemeanor or Felony in Colorado?

Depending on the damage value, second-degree arson can be either a misdemeanor or felony. In cases where the damage is less than $100, a class 2 misdemeanor applies. A conviction can result in:

  • up to 12 months in county jail,
  • a minimum fine of $250

However, this offense amplifies to a class 4 felony once $100 in damage is reached or exceeded. Up to 6 years in prison and a minimum fine of $2K can apply at sentencing. Additionally, a restitution amount can also be enforced.

Jefferson County Arson Lawyer

Securing a skilled arson lawyer is crucial when facing allegations of starting a fire or causing an explosion in Colorado. Our determined defense attorneys have experience with these complex charges and will fight for your future. Perhaps the fire wasn’t started knowingly, the owner(s) gave their consent, or the values stated by law enforcement aren’t reasonable. That said, contact our law office today for a free consultation. We offer same-day jail visits, affordable fees, and flexible payment plans for those facing criminal accusations throughout Colorado.

So, if you or someone you know is facing arson charges in Colorado, the time to act is now. Contact the highly-rated criminal lawyers at Sawyer Legal Group, LLC at 303-731-0719. Together, we can protect your future.

Photo by Yaoqi LAI