Photo Of Kyle B. Sawyer
Photo Of Kyle B. Sawyer

Charged With A Crime? It Doesn’t Mean You’re Guilty.

Concealed Carry Permit Attorney in Jefferson County

On Behalf of | Jun 7, 2019 | Concealed Carry |


Concealed Carry laws are especially complex in Jefferson County, Colorado. Whether someone is trying to obtain a permit in Lakewood, Littleton, or Golden, purchasing a firearm for the purpose of protection can include some significant hurdles. Failing to comply with each step and detail of the law can result in trouble with law enforcement. Those interested in purchasing a firearm must first apply for a permit to carry a concealed handgun. Below we will highlight many of the requirements and steps to take if you’re being denied or having other difficulties with a CCP.

What Are the Requirements to Get a Concealed Carry Permit in Jefferson County?

C.R.S. 18-12-203 provides the guidelines for gun permit applicants throughout the state of Colorado. Some of those requirements include:

  • Proving you are a resident of Colorado
  • Passing a background check
  • Be eligible to possess a firearm
  • No history of perjury in reference to a permit application
  • No evidence of alcohol abuse that would impair a person’s faculties
  • No issues with addiction or use of controlled substances
  • Demonstrated handgun competence

Can You Be Denied a Concealed Carry Permit in Colorado?

Sometimes, individuals who do in fact meet all of the criteria are still denied, revoked, or refused a permit by the Jefferson County Sheriff. While those facing a denial can request that the Sheriff review their application, this typically includes providing additional documents and evidence in support of your claim. Some Colorado residents may choose to request a judicial review where a judge analyzes the decision by the Sheriff as to the denial of a permit. Consulting an experienced concealed carry permit attorney can help you choose which option is best for your situation. We can also speak on your behalf with a judge or sheriff, increasing your chances of obtaining the sought after permit.

Where Can I Carry a Handgun in Jefferson County?

Those who meet all of the requirements and successfully obtain their permit will be made aware of locations where carrying a concealed handgun is permitted in Jefferson County. Locations that aren’t permitted include:

  • school or university property
  • any location where a legislative proceeding is or will take place
  • a place where an official of the general assembly is located

Failure to comply with the rules and regulations concerning concealed carry can result in an unlawfully carrying a concealed weapon charge. This can be a difficult situation to navigate and requires representation from an expert defense lawyer. Whether you’ve been denied a conceal carry permit or are facing a charge relating to your handgun, contact our office to schedule a free consultation with one of our strategic defense attorneys. We will carefully analyze your unique situation and offer productive next steps.

If you or someone you know has questions about their firearms rights in Colorado, contact the reputable defense attorneys at Sawyer Legal Group at 303-731-0719. Together, we can protect your future.

Photo Credit: Pixabay – TayebMEZAHDIA