Hit and Run Laws in Adams & Jefferson County, Colorado
People that are involved in a Hit and Run will face serious charges in Adams County, Colorado. By law, a person directly involved in an accident is required to stay at the scene of the crime if anyone has been injured or if any damage has been done to the vehicle.
In regards to injury in Jefferson County, CRS 42-4-1601 defines that “The driver of any vehicle directly involved in an accident resulting in injury to, serious bodily injury to, or death of any person shall immediately stop such vehicle at the scene of such accident or as close to the scene as possible or shall immediately return to the scene of the accident. The driver shall then remain at the scene of the accident until the driver has fulfilled the requirements of section 42-4-1603 (1). Every such stop shall be made without obstructing traffic more than is necessary.”
Arapahoe County Requirements Following a Car Accident – CRS 42-4-1603
After a car accident in Arapahoe County, if you were involved in an accident “resulting in injury to, serious bodily injury to, or death of any person or damage to any vehicle which is driven or attended by any person shall give the driver’s name, the driver’s address, and the registration number of the vehicle he or she is driving.” Upon request you must show your drivers license “to the person struck or the driver or occupant of or person attending any vehicle collided with.” If necessary, you must “render to any person injured in such accident reasonable assistance, including the carrying, or the making of arrangements for the carrying, of such person to a physician, surgeon, or hospital for medical or surgical treatment if it is apparent that such treatment is necessary or if the carrying is requested by the injured person.” (CRS 42-4-1603).
Penalty For Fleeing the Scene of an Accident in Douglas County
In Douglas County, the penalty for fleeing the scene of an accident can be severe. It can range from a Class 1 Misdemeanor traffic offense with any injury occured, to a Class 3 Felony if the accident resulted in a death. Some people, like a man charged in Denver last month, also face additional charges such as Driving Without a Valid License. Additional charges mean more fines, higher bond, longer list on your criminal record, and an increased sentence.
Charged With Leaving an Accident Scene – Denver Defense Attorney
If you have been charged with Leaving an Accident Scene in Denver, be smart. Exercise your right to remain silent, and contact our experienced defense attorneys at 303-731-0719. Together, we can protect your future.