Gilpin County and Teller County Casino Fraudulent Acts Under C.R.S. 12-47.1-823
What is the purpose of Colorado’s Fraudulent Acts law at 12-47.1-823? 1) A smooth running and honest casino experience in Blackhawk, Central City and Cripple Creek? 2) For casinos to make more money? or 3) So the Division of Gaming has something to do in Gilpin County and Teller County? Maybe a little of all three reasons exist in the real world, based on the experiences of our gaming defense attorneys. Casino Fraudulent Acts Attorney.
Black Hawk, Central City and Cripple Creek, Charges of Fraudulent Acts – Is this Fair?
The law of Fraudulent Acts has the goal of ensuring that no unjust gain occurs at gaming casinos in Colorado. In practice, however, it has become a tool to criminally prosecute good people for the monetary benefit of casinos and Colorado Division of Gaming statistics. It has been misapplied thousands of times to the detriment of honest gaming citizens.
The Colorado law on Fraudulent Acts is Unfair – Says Our Colorado Gaming Defense Lawyer
Most prosecutions under this law relate to the subsection which provides: “It is unlawful for a person: (c) To claim, collect, or take, or attempt to claim, collect, or take, money or anything of value in or from a limited gaming activity with intent to defraud and without having made a wager contingent thereon, or to claim, collect, or take an amount greater than the amount won.” The Fraudulent Acts “violation” typically involves someone finding slot machine credits, credit slips (TITO” slips), or poker chips. Playing a $2.00 credit on the slot machine next to yours is a violation of the law. Find a poker chip? You violate the law if you take it. Special rules apply at casinos which we don’t see anywhere else. Gaming investigators and casino security with little else to do, use cameras to watch a slot machine with a leftover credit and then descend upon the lawbreaker who plays the credit. You can be charged with a class one misdemeanor and get up to 18 months in the Gilpin or Teller County Jail. For employees or repeat offenders, felony charges and prison are possible.
Lawyers in Teller and Gilpin County Courts for Gambling and Casino Crimes Like Fraudulent Acts
If contacted by a gaming investigator or casino security officer, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent (don’t try to explain your actions), and call our Gilpin and Teller County casino gambling lawyers at 303-731-0719. Together, we can protect your future.