Internet Sexual Exploitation Law by Cell Phones and Computers
Colorado’s lawmakers are playing catch-up with technology. Every time someone does something sexual with a computer or cell phone which is not a crime, law enforcement in Jefferson County whines and we have a new law. This is definitely the case with Internet Sexual Exploitation of a Child, defined at C.R.S. 18-3-405.4. Read how sexting can be Internet Sexual Exploiation of a Child.
Police Stings and Entrapment in Computer Chat Rooms – Use Caution in Denver
Police love to sit and wait in sexually explicit chat rooms, pretending to be a child. It is like fishing to them. They put out an attractive “worm” and wait for someone to take the bait. Each case they have borders on one side or the other of entrapment. Internet Sexual Exploitation of a Child is a crime susceptible to police stings. Officers get involved in conversations by chat, express an interest in sex, and lead the conversation to where they want it to go. For this crime, they get an adult in the chat room to ask the pretend child to send a picture of their intimate parts. This can occur by phone or computer. Colorado police will arrest people in all 50 states for chatting with a police officer in Colorado.
Definition of Internet Sexual Exploitation of a Child – Arapahoe County and Douglas County
Police in cities like Aurora, Centennial, Castle Rock and Parker like to charge Internet Sexual Exploitation of a Child once they are able to meet this definition of Internet Sexual Exploitation of a Child:
Someone commits the crime of internet sexual exploitation of a child when they “knowingly importunes, invites, or entices through communication via a computer network or system, telephone network, or data network or by a text message or instant message, a person whom the actor knows or believes to be under fifteen years of age and at least four years younger than the actor, to”:
(1) Expose or touch the child’s own or another person’s intimate parts while communicating with the actor via a computer network or phone (listed above), or
(2) Observe the actor’s intimate parts via a computer network or the phone networks listed above.
Adams County Lawyer for Internet Sexual Exploitation of a Child Charges
Men and women are charged with Internet Sexual Exploitation of a Child in Thornton, Northglenn or Brighton, when they get to chatting with an underage child about sexual things. Something as simple as suggesting to a child that you’d like to see them topless (boy or girl) can land you in trouble with this felony sexual crime. You will be required to register as a sex offender and complete SOMB sex offender treatment.
If you have been chatting in a sexual way with an adult and a child enters the chat room or conversation, run – don’t chat or talk with the child. They are likely a police officer posing as a child and trying to entrap you into committing Internet Sexual Exploitation of a Child. Feel free to contact the best Sexual Exploitation of a Child lawyers at our office by calling 303-731-0719. We travel all over Colorado to ensure the rights of our clients. Together, we can protect your future.
Image Credit: FreeDigitalPhotos.net – jannoon028