Forgery Charges Lawyer Advises – A Conviction Will Affect Your Employment
Forgery charges in Arapahoe and Denver County can have major consequences on your job, family, and future. Not only will you be dealing with the judicial system, but you will also have long-lasting repercussions on potential employment opportunities. Theft and Forgery are the two crimes that constantly effect people who are looking for a job because employers don’t think they can trust a person with those convictions. If facing charges of falsifying documents or giving falsified information, you need the help of our experienced criminal defense attorneys to fight for your best interests. We fight to get you the best possible outcome for your case, including dismissal of your charges.
What is the Punishment and Sentence for Forgery in Adams County, Colorado
Illegally altering documents will typically result in punishments of fines, probation, jail, and for the most serious cases, prison. Forgery is a class 5 felony, in most cases. Class 5 felonies have a maximum punishment of up to 3 years in prison and up to a $100,000.00 fine. The district attorney’s office in Broomfield and Adams County will strive for a harsh punishment. With the possible consequences ranging from hefty fines to time served in prison, it is important that you find a criminal defense lawyer immediately to start fighting for your rights.
What is the Statute of Limitations for the crime of Forgery in El Paso County?
There are some basic concepts that you should be familiar with when you are charged with Forgery. First, the Statute of Limitations does not apply to a crime where a document is falsely made, altered, or completed. Other crimes like Public Indecency, Criminal Impersonation, and Harassment in Clear Creek, Elbert, and El Paso County are required to be charged by the prosecution within a specified period of time. However, there is no Statute of Limitations requirement for Forgery.
What is the Definition of Forgery in Jefferson County and Douglas County?
The elements of Forgery are completed when a person knowingly defrauds another by means of completing, altering, or uttering a written instrument which is calculated to become money, a check, a public record, a deed, or essentially any other written instrument that might have some effect on another person. As you can read, the crime covers many potential matters. The only way to know for sure whether you should have been charged with changing a signature on a check or something else is to speak with an attorney who practices law in Castle Rock and Golden, Colorado.
So, if you or a loved one have been charged with Forgery, or any other crime in Arapahoe County, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent, and give our attorneys a call right now at 303-731-0719. Together, we can protect your future.
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