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Photo Of Kyle B. Sawyer

Charged With A Crime? It Doesn’t Mean You’re Guilty.

Possession of Weapons by Previous Offenders Attorney in Denver, C.R.S. 18-12-108 | Criminal Defense Lawyers at Your Side

On Behalf of | Jan 14, 2016 | Possession of a Weapon by Previous Offender |

Attorney Advice on What Crimes Qualify to Prohibit Firearm and Gun Possession

In Denver and Jefferson County, people who are convicted of criminal acts involving a felony or a violent crime of domestic violence are not permitted to possess weapons and could be convicted of the crime of Possession of a Weapon by a Previous Offender if they do. Did you know that a Juvenile adjudication for a felony qualifies too? The law in Colorado states that the crime of having a gun while being a convicted felon is considered a felony and carries a maximum punishment of up to 3 years in the Department of Corrections and a very hefty fine. While it is true that if you are convicted of this act you may not necessarily go to prison, the chances of you ending up in the Department of Corrections are extremely high.

Jefferson County Criminal Lawyer – Firearm Possession Charges and Domestic Violence

As experienced Jefferson County criminal attorneys, we receive phone calls and emails from people all over our great state asking whether they can possess a firearm when they have been convicted of a crime of domestic violence. In some instances, they have attempted to purchase a firearm and have been denied by CBI. There are two basic points to remember about whether you can possess a firearm. The first is to know what type of crime you have been convicted of. The second is to know whether it was considered domestic violence or not.

Federal Law vs. Colorado State Law on Firearm and Gun Purchases in Douglas and Adams County

Many people look at those first two points and think they are okay to purchase firearms. However, those same people are disheartened to know that the Federal law and the state laws are different and the Federal law is more restrictive. The United States Code prohibits gun possession for people convicted of felonies and misdemeanor crimes of domestic violence. It defines a domestic violence conviction as any violent crime where the victim is an intimate partner or a family member. Yes, you read that correctly. You will be denied the right to purchase a weapon in Adams and Douglas County. You could be facing a conviction for Possession of a Weapon by a Previous Offender if you were convicted of hitting your younger brother, have a charge for child abuse against your own children, or if you have ever plead guilty to a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence against your spouse. Seemingly little crimes can really add up and hurt you for a lifetime.

The law can be very tricky. The police in Arapahoe County and Aurora are looking for ways to charge you with this felony. So if you have been contacted by the Aurora police for a crime involving Possession of a Weapon by a Previous Offender, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent, and call us immediately at 303-731-0719. Together, we can protect your future.

Image Credit: Pixabay – stevepb