Sex Offender DeRegistration Attorney in Denver
Sexual Assault is a Colorado crime with many difficult consequences. Yet when dealing with the misdemeanor version of this crime, anyone would say that 10 or 15 years of sex offender registration is plenty. After all, it is not a crime of violence and the maximum punishment is two years in the county jail. Once again, Colorado’s lawmakers look foolish, as they make it a law that men and women convicted of this crime in Denver and Jefferson County must complete sex offender registration for the rest of their life.
Registration for Sex Offenders in Adams County – Defense Attorneys Know it is Important
There are legitimate reasons to have someone register as a sex offender. Sex offender registration alerts the public to keep their children away from persons who may be a threat to their kids. It provides some measure of accountability. Standard misdemeanor sex offense crime registration is either five or ten years. However, we’ve discovered a ridiculous provision under Colorado law at C.R.S. 16-22-113, which provides that misdemeanor sex offenders must register for the rest of their life! This is craziness.
Sex Offender Deregistration Attorney Douglas County – Deregistration is a Good Idea at Some Point
When someone wants to deregister as a sex offender in Douglas County and Castle Rock, a judge looks over the Petition in detail. The district attorney gets to provide input, police can have a say, and the victim can talk to the court. Plus, the judge will examine if the person applying to deregister has successfully completed sex offender treatment. It is a system designed to ensure that the applicant does not present a continuing risk to the public. So, safety is given strong consideration. Why then in Colorado do our lawmakers say that misdemeanor sexual assault offenders under C.R.S. 18-3-402 must register for the rest of their life? There is no good reason. It is a waste of our state’s resources. Read what judges want to hear at a deregistration hearing.
Arapahoe County Defense Attorney for Deregistration – What are the Real Costs?
Sex offenders must pay anywhere from $25 to $80 to register. Some must do this annually and some must do this quarterly. They must take off from work and go to the Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Department or the Parker Police station to register. These police agencies must have staff take the registrations and then enter them in a database. This is the monetary cost. Nonmonetary costs include men and women having the stigma that they are dangerous and not rehabilitated. They can’t find jobs, can’t work at their kids’ school, can’t volunteer to coach kids’ sports programs, and have a hard time finding housing. All this occurs after they have completed their sentence and sex offender treatment. Our state government seems to think punishing sex offenders for the rest of their lives is the goal.
If you need to deregister as a sex offender in Lakewood, Golden or somewhere else in Jefferson County, sometimes we can find a way. In many cases though, like this misdemeanor sexual assault crime, you are out of luck. What a shame to believe that men and women will be a danger to society when they are 70 years old – for a crime they committed when they were 20. Call our sex offender deregistration lawyers at 303-731-0719 today. Together, we can protect your future.
Image Credit: – Kittisak