Leaving the Scene of an Accident in Jefferson, Weld, or Arapahoe County is never a good idea. The greater the damage or injury to others, the worse it is for the person when they get caught. Police in Aurora, Littleton, and all over Colorado are bombarded with cases involving those that Hit and Run. But with cameras mounted on almost every intersection and throughout populated areas, more violators are getting caught.
Two weeks ago I received a call from a very sweet sounding older woman. She fought back tears as she told me she has never been in trouble with the law before. She tried to compose herself and told me she was leaving a parking space in downtown Denver and lightly tapped the bumper of a car parked behind her. She got out of her car and looked at the one she hit. She said she couldn’t see any damage, so she drove away. As it turned out, someone was watching and called the police. The Denver Police went into action! They caught up our hardened criminal and after a good tongue lashing, gave her a summons for a class 2 misdemeanor under C.R.S. 42-4-1604, for Hit and Run.
Leaving the Scene of an Accident can involve a minor incident with an unattended vehicle, or other property, or it may involve a more serious situation where people are injured or perhaps killed. Leaving the Scene of an Accident in Douglas, or Adams County where someone is seriously injured or killed, will usually result in being charged with either a class 4 or class 3 felony with the possibility of prison. These are among the most serious traffic based crimes a person can face.
While there is no excuse for intentionally Leaving the Scene of an Accident or Hit and Run, in many cases it is understandable how fear might hinder good judgment. At the O’Malley Law Office, P.C., we help good people who have made bad decisions in a time of crisis. We also know how to fight for those who are innocent of these charges. Either way, our dedicated lawyers are equipped to help you through the process.
If you are charged with Leaving the Scene of an Accident, even if it is way out in Sedgewick County, you should never make a statement to the police. Instead, politely tell them you want to talk with your attorney first. We want to hear your side of the story before the police do. So be smart, exercise your right to remain silent and call us at 303-731-0719. Together we can protect your future.