A Lakewood man was recently arrested on charges of Domestic Violence “DV” (C.R.S. 18-6-801) after he became angry that his girlfriend and her children were having a “Twilight” movie marathon. The Lakewood police allege he left after becoming irritated by the movies and returned home intoxicated later when he argued with his girlfriend, grabbed her, threw her against a wall, and threatened to stab her with a knife. The man was arrested and taken to the Jefferson County jail where he will stay for the duration of the case unless he can post bail bond. He will be under a mandatory Protection Order issued in every DV case.
It is unclear what precise charges this man is facing at this time, although it is likely that the Jefferson County District Attorney will charge him with Felony Menacing (C.R.S. 18-3-206), Third Degree Assault (C.R.S. 18-3-204), and Harassment (C.R.S. 18-9-111) as acts of Domestic Violence. Additionally, at the O’Malley Law Office, we are seeing more Colorado jurisdictions such as Denver, Broomfield, and Adams County, charge people with Child Abuse (C.R.S. 18-6-401) in these circumstances when children are present, even if they are not the target of the violence. This is just another way District Attorneys stack charges against people so they feel like they have to take a bad plea bargain rather than risk multiple convictions at trial.
If the Lakewood, Northglenn, or Centennial police believe that you have committed a crime of domestic violence, the law says that they must arrest you. In many jurisdictions, if you cannot post bond, you will see a District Attorney while you are still in custody and being treated like a hardened criminal in their “Fast Track” DV program. This program is known by judges and District Attorneys as a quick way to resolve a criminal case at the expense of the defendant.
District Attorneys in Delta County, Montrose County and San Miguel County know what other DAs throughout the state know. Make a quick plea bargain offer and try to bully inmates into taking it. People are tempted to accept these offers because they want to save their job, house and pay other bills. DON’T take the deal. You are in a very vulnerable position, and the DA barely knows the strength of their case at that first meeting. The plea bargain is likely not their best or final offer. At the O’Malley Law Office, we can make sure that whatever plea bargain you accept is the best possible outcome in your case. So, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent, and call us today at 303-731-0719. Together, we can protect your future.