A Mesa County woman recently plead guilty to felony Theft (C.R.S. 18-4-401), after stealing money from the proceeds of Girl Scout Cookie sales. For the theft conviction, she was sentenced to six months of work release and eight years of probation. This Girl Scout leader stole more than $4000 from her daughter’s troop’s annual fundraiser. The Mesa County District Court judge also ordered her to pay back the Girl Scouts’ restitution. Restitution is designed to make the victims whole.
This woman, like many people during these tough economic times, was having trouble making rent and paying for living expenses. While her situation inspires sympathy, the Mesa County District Attorney found the circumstances of her case aggravated because she herself reported the crime and initially tried to blame her roommate.
In Colorado jurisdictions including Adams, Denver, and Jefferson County, theft can be a misdemeanor or a felony depending upon the value of the item(s) stolen. Prosecutors typically do not care about the reasons why a person steals something, and tend to treat a person who steals out of necessity the same as a person who steals out of greed. However, in the hands of an experienced attorney, mitigating circumstances like needing to provide for yourself or your family can be used to make prosecutors understand the full picture of you as a person, not just as another number on their docket.
If you have been accused of theft by police in Aurora, Centennial, Thornton, or Boulder you need an experienced criminal defense attorney to protect your rights. In this economy, even a misdemeanor can greatly affect your ability to get a job. At the O’Malley Law Office, we find real solutions to guard your criminal record and your future employment. So be smart, exercise your right to remain silent, and call us at 303-731-0719. Together, we can protect your future.