A dismissal of Third Degree Assault, C.R.S. 18-3-204, charges by the District Attorney in El Paso, Douglas, or Arapahoe County is an accomplishment that rarely happens. When a dismissal occurs, our Denver area criminal defense attorney’s take pride in that outcome. Here is a brief synopsis of a recent case that was dismissed through our work.
A husband and wife argued in a public place. They cursed at each other, yelled at each other, and were pretty nasty to their spouse. The police were called to the scene. The police asked the man what happened. Half intoxicated, he told the police in Highlands Ranch that his wife had slapped him and that it “hurt.” Well, anytime the police in Denver, Aurora, Lakewood, and Thornton here that term, they immediately want to charge the aggressive person with Third Degree Assault.
That is exactly what happened. The man’s wife was charged with the offense, even though there were no marks on her husband, she gave a completely different account, and he was intoxicated. Nonetheless, she was taken to jail in Douglas County, spent the night, and then went before a judge the next day. Once she was released, she scheduled a free consultation with our 24 hour law firm in the Denver metro area.
After we were on her case, we immediately tried to speak with her husband. He was quite distraught about the whole situation. He felt responsible – and he was. Thankfully, he was willing to speak with us about what had happened. He told me because of the alcohol, he thought she had slapped him when, after further reflection, she hadn’t. That was something I could use. After speaking with him for over thirty minutes, I had enough information to comfortably approach the District Attorney in Douglas County and fight for a dismissal of all the charges.
When the court date finally came, we went to battle. As Criminal defense attorneys in Adams, Jefferson, Denver, and Weld County, we have learned how to get results. It took a couple of court appearances, but it happened; all the charges against the wife were dismissed.
When it comes to fighting a Third Degree Assault or Harassment charge in Arapahoe, Grand, Larimer, or Pueblo County, don’t trust your future to just any lawyer. When you find a lawyer who meets your criteria, use them to get the result you want. At O’Malley Law Office, we fight for the best result possible. So, if you or a loved one have been charged with Third Degree Assault, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent and call us at 303-731-0719. Together, we can protect your future.